
Australian Federation

  • First colony.

    First colony.
    First colony settled, New South Whales
  • Captain Arthur Phillip

    Captain Arthur Phillip
    Captain Aruther Phillip recived comisions for the established and the goverment of New South Whales.
  • Took posession

    Took posession
    Captain Arthur Phillip took possesion of Australia in the name of the Soveren.
  • Six self colonies

    Six self colonies
    Six self governing colonies were eshtablished.
  • Van Deimens Land(tasmania)

    Van Deimens Land(tasmania)
    Van Deimans Land (tasmania) Separated From New south whales.
  • Queensland separated

    Queensland separated
    Queensland separated from New south Whales
  • Henery Parks

    Henery Parks
    Tenderfield address of Sir Henery Parks, Were he spoke of creating a National Goverment for Australia
  • Election

    Fedaral election held under comonwelf electral Act Passed.
  • NorthenTerrotory

    NortthenTerrotory separated from South Australia
  • Australian Capital Terrotory

    Australian Capital Terrotory
    Australian Capital Terrotory separated from New South Whales
  • Vote

    Refundrum held to vote to on proposal that australia become a republic. A magority said NO!
  • Cenatary of fedaration

    Cenatary of fedaration
    Fedaration Finaly finished.