Industrial Revolution
It is a time period where machines took over all of the jobs in England which made people more poor -
First Fleet
In the First Fleet there were 11 boats from England all going Australia.There Captain of the boat was Captain James Cook with leading all 11 boats.The First Fleet carried Convicts and Free Settlers.They were going to Australia because all of the England Jails were full from the Technology taking all of the jobs leaving people jobless mans no money so more people went in jail to steal because no money. -
Australia Conley
The Queen sent convicts and Captain James Cook to find new land for the convicts.When they found a New Holland(Australia)They made it up part of six colonies for these convicts to stay -
Weastern Australia
Captian James Stirlling is the Captian of who establish Perth in Weastern Australia . -
Gold Rush
In the Gold Rush Era there was a lot of Gold found in the Victoria part of Bathurst.People from all around the world came to Australia to mine and to be rich with all of the Gold they could mine.If you didn't have a license to mine they would put you to jail and you would be set free until you can go and pay for a mining license. -
The very Last Convicts
This is the last boat being transported to Australia or Tasmania.This is the year were the very last convicts to go and Arive to Australia.This was the last boat from England,London to Australia. -
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Eureka Stockade
The Eureka Stockade is when miners in the Gold Rush Era where mining until they coppers came.If you didn't have a license to mine you would be put to jail.They would set you free until you can pay to have a license.Until one night all of the miners came together and burned there license and burned other things and had a dramatic fight between the government and the miners(It only took 20mins battle).Other way the Minners /Victoria men was able to vote. -
Australian Commowealth nation
This was a time were Australia became a independent nation when the British Paralament announced that all six Australian colonies will become apart of the Commowealth of Australia -
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World war 1
This is when army troops fight for their country.For Australia it was about five million fighting more than 15,6,000 have died with gas,starvation and more.They were fighting against the army of Turkeys. -
The Great Depression
The Great Depression is when all the prices went up for rent and jobs.So more people become for jobless and had to go to a jobless camp were the learn the ways.Also how in America the Wall Street crashed and hit Australia hard with the prices going high, -
Vietnam War
This was a time were 18 and over HAD TO war if not you would be sent into jail.Because Not a lot of people wanted go to war so they would pick out an name when you hit an certain age.If they pick out your name you HAD to go to war and no turning back and its at least better than going to JAIL.