White australia policy

Australian attitudes to immigration

By whird
  • pre-federation and White Australian Policy

    pre-federation and White Australian Policy
    Early Australian Immigration policiesWhite miners resented industrious Chinese 'gold' seekers ("yellow peril"). This resulted in fights at Buckland river in Vict.
    Govt restricted Chinese immigration
  • 1901 - Federation and White Australia Policy

    Australia became federation.
    Act introduced restricting employment of Pacific Islanders. It also
    restricted immigration of foreigners in order to get more Commonwealth (i.e. from England)
  • White Aust policy - cont'd

    The PM. William Morrish Hughes hailed the immigration policy as the greatest thing achieved. "The country will remain forever the home of the descendants of the people who came from the south seas".
    THEY WANTED AUSTRALIA TO ONLY BE WHITE but during WWI many non-white refugees entered Australia. Most left after WWI, but many had married Australians and wanted to stay
  • post WWII

    PM Holt allowed 800 non-European refugees to stay
    Japanese war brides were admitted
    This was the first step in non-discriminatory policy
  • 1966

    March - Watershed abolishing White Australia Policy. This meant that non-European immigraton began to increase
  • 1957

    non-Europeans with 15 years residence allowed to become citizens (Revised Migration Act 1958)
  • 1958

    Govt introduced simpler system of entry permits and abolished controversial dictation test (giving people test in a langugage they didn't know)
  • 1973

    Later Australian Immigration policiesGovt made the immigration policy fair by making the test in the native language of the applicant
  • 1975

    Govt embraced non-discriminatory migration
    citizens were subjected to requirements of other applicants
  • 1978

    Govt reviewed immigration and made more relevant immigration policies and programs to structure the population development
  • 1979

    Aust Advisory Council est'd to advise Minister for Ethnic Affairs about the settlement of refugees
  • 1986

    AMIA act was repealed by by Hawke Govt, which in 1987 created the Office of Multicultural Affairs
  • 1989

    national agenda est'd - on basis of the current policy framework
  • 1994

    made amendments to migration regulations -
    (AAFI) Australians Against Further Immigration was where an outspoken leader in NSW parliament: said we should reopen 2nd yala meatworks - the foreigners should be converted to blood and bone!)
  • 2009

    partners of Australian citizens can get residency