Australia Timeline

  • Discovery of Australia by the British

    Captain Cook claims Australia for the British
  • First Colony

    First colony build by British's convicts .
  • A New Life

    First free settlers arrive for a new life in Australia
  • New Colony

    A new colony is set up for convicts on Tasmania. Free settlers soon follow.
  • Province of Victoria

    A new province is set up, called Victoria because of the queen Victoria.
  • population growth

    By now, about half of the people living in Australia were born here.
  • Gold rush

    Gold discovered in Australia, even more settlers arrive. Population now nearly half a million.
  • a little bit of independance

    Four of the five provinces of Australia granted 'self-governement'. They manage most of their own affairs but are still part of the British Empire.
  • The last colony

    Queensland, the last colony to be created, comes into existence.
  • Need of independance

    Now over 80% of the people in Australia were born there. The six colonies meet to draw up a set of rules about how to run Australia as a united country, independent of Britain
  • Independance

    By now all six provinces or territories are 'self-governing'
  • Not so independent

    The 'Common wealth of Australia' comes into existence. All the territories form one 'Federation' with its own Parliament. But the British monarch remains the head of state !