Australia's History

By John#1
  • James Cook Discovers Australia

    James Cook Discovers Australia
    James Cook sails around Australia and claims it for Britain. He charts the east coast and calls it New South Wales
  • Penal Settlement Established

    Penal Settlement Established
    Captain Arthur Phillip with the first fleets founds the penal settlement at Sydney.
  • Western Australia Established

    Western Australia Established
    Colony of western Australia founded at Perth founded by James Stirling.
  • South Australia Established

    South Australia Established
    South Australia established with Adelaide as its capitol.
  • Cricket

    First ever Cricket math is played Australia vs England.
  • Australia becomes Commonwealth

    Australia becomes Commonwealth
    Australia becomes a commonwealth of Great Britain
  • Canberra

    Canberra established as the capitol of Australia
  • Immigration Restriction act

    Immigration Restriction act
    The Immigration restriction act of 1901 is repealed allowing all races to come to Australia.
  • Olympic Games

    Olympic Games
    The 1966 Olympic Games were hosted in Melbourne Australia
  • Australia Free

    Australia Free
    Australia is Independent from the British Parliament and legal system.