
By Emyli C
  • European Exploration: Dutch

    European Exploration: Dutch
    First Europeans to sail to Australia were the Dutch (Netherlands). They didn't stay there.
  • Captain James Cook Takes Land

    Captain James Cook Takes Land
    Captain James Cook sailed around Australia. Cook named the area “New South Wales”
    He ignored the Aborigines living there & claimed the land for England.
  • Penal Colony

    Penal Colony
    British ships called the “First Fleet” left England with convicts to establish a prison colony.
  • Settlers

    British prisoners settled in Australia.
  • New South Wales

    New South Wales
    New South Wales was officially a penal (prison) colony consisting mainly of convicts, marines (guards), and the marines’ families.
  • Aborigines

    remnants of the tribes in the settled areas were moved onto reserves.
  • Port Arthur, Tasmania

    Port Arthur, Tasmania
    It was the destination for the hardest of convicted British and Irish criminals--those who were secondary offenders having re-offended after their arrival in Australia.
  • Commonwealth of Australia

    Commonwealth of Australia
    Government officials created boundaries for the colonies that are still in place today.
  • “White Australia”

    “White Australia”
    Restricted migration to people primarily of European descent
  • Australia Today

    Australia Today
    The Australia Act severed all legal ties with the British Empire.