
  • Discovery of Australia

    Dutch explorers, in 1606, made the first recorded European sightings and first recorded landfalls of the Australian mainland.
  • First Fleet of British ships

    The First Fleet of 11 ships, each one no larger than a Manly ferry, left Portsmouth in 1787 with more than 1480 men, women and children onboard. Although most were British, there were also African, American and French convicts
  • Period: to

    The Black War

  • The Gold Rush

  • The Eureka Stockade

    Rebellion by the gold miners
    The government decided that the miners had to get licenses to mine gold, regardless of whether they found gold or not.
    The miners thought this was very unfair, especially the miners who had less luck finding gold.
    Although the miners lost the battle, they were successful in removing the licensing.
    They now paid tax on gold they found, and were given the right to own the land they worked on.
  • The Communwealth of Australia

  • The Stolen Generation

    Indigenous children were removed from their families.
    Many were sent to “white homes” to be assimilated.
    They said they wanted to “introduce them to civilisation”.
    They did not just lost their freedom, but also their cultural identity and heritage.
  • WW1 - Invasion of Turkey

    WW 1 - 1/10 of the population volunteered to help the British invading Turkey.
    About 500,000 soldiers.
    8000 A.N.Z.A.C soldiers lost their lives during the failed invasion of Turkey
  • Period: to

    Air Raids on Australia

  • The Opera House

  • Complete independence from Britain

  • Official apology to the Stolen Generations

    February 2008 an apology to Australia's indigenous peoples was given by the Australian Prime Minister