The Cold War begins...
At the conclusion of WWII, tensions begin to rise between Communist Russia and Democratic USA. These tensions, and the fear of the spread of communism, are the beginnings of the Cold War. -
China becomes communist
The Korean war begins
Communist Dissolution Bill is introduced into Government by Robert Menzies
The Liberal party, lead by Robert Menzies, introduces the Communist Dissolution Bill into Parliament in an attempt to elimate the party. The bill is found to be unconstitutional and is not passed. -
Basic form of Conscription introduced- removed in 1959
During the Korean War, National service was introduced under the National Service Act. All Australian males aged 18 had to register for 176 days training (ninety-nine days full-time) and two years in the CMF. The system was ended in 1959 -
ANZUS treaty signed
Australia, New Zealand, and the United States of Americasign the ANZUS treaty. This treaty requires each country to come to the aid of the other countries if it is called on. -
The Petrov affair
On April 13, the eve of the last Parliamentary sitting day before the 1954 election campaign, Prime Minister Robert Menzies announced the defection of Vladimir Petrov. He called for a Royal Commission to investigate evidence of espionage contained in the documents Petrov brought with him. Once the Soviet Embassy became aware of Petrov’s defection it accused Australian authorities of kidnapping him. They quickly took Evdokia from her house and attempted to fly her out of the country. -
Geneva Conference held
: Delegates from nine nations convene in Geneva to start negotiations that will lead to the end of hostilities in Indochina. The idea of partitioning Vietnam is first explored at this forum.Vietminh General Ta Quang Buu and French General Henri Delteil sign the Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Vietnam. As part of the agreement, a provisional demarcation line is drawn at the 17th parallel which will divide Vietnam until nationwide election -
DOMINO theory stated
Responding to the defeat of the French by the Vietminh at Dienbienphu, President Eisenhower outlines the Domino Theory: "You have a row of dominoes set up. You knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly." -
SEATO treaty signed
The South-East Asia Collective Defence Treaty provided for defensive action to be taken in the event of an attack on the United States, Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, the Philippines or Pakistan. South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos were also guaranteed protection under the treaty’s security arrangement -
French leave Vietnam
Conscription reintroduced
Compulsory National Service for 20-year-old males was introduced under the National Service Act (1964). The selection of conscripts was made by a sortition or lottery draw based on date of birth, and conscripts were obligated to give two years’ continuous full-time service, followed by a further three years on the active reserve list. -
Robert Menzies announces Australias Involvement in the Vietnam War.
Youth against conscription and Save our Sons protest groups formed
President Lyndon Brian Johnson (US) tours Australia
Burning of Draft cards becomes common in Australia
Policy of "Vietnamization" announced
Secretary of Defense (US) Melvin Laird describes a policy of "Vietnamization" when discussing a diminishing role for the US military in Vietnam. The objective of the policy is to shift the burden of defeating the Communists onto the South Vietnamese Army and away from the United States. -
The first moratorium march is held in Mebourne
Gough Whitlam (Labor) becomes Prime Minister of Australia. National Service is Abolished and Australia withdraws from the war.
The last US soldiers depart Vietnam
South Vietnam is seiged by the communist North
The Welcome back march for Vietnam Veterans is held in Sydney