austin's timeline

  • bessemer process discovered

    bessemer process discovered
    made the first inexpesive steel
  • oil in PA

    oil in PA
    first big oil boom in the united states
  • Homestead act

    Homestead act
    encouraged western migiration by providing settlers with 160 acres
  • national labor union started

    national labor union started
    it was the first labor union in the united states
  • type writer invented

    type writer invented
    speed up writing which helped news spread faster
  • first tanscontinental rail road built

    first tanscontinental rail road built
    revolutized settlement and the economy of the west
  • airbreak invented

    airbreak invented
    helped make train travel safer
  • standard oil company started

    standard oil company started
    American oil company that was the largest in the world
  • telephone invented

    telephone invented
    revolunized communication forever
  • B and O railroad strike

    B and O railroad strike
    most volient strike at that time in the nation
  • phonograph invented

    phonograph invented
    first time music or words were stored
  • lighbuld invention

    lighbuld invention
    invention of eletricity for the first time
  • haymarket square riot

    haymarket square riot
    labor rally turned into riot after a bomb was thrown at the police
  • statue of liberty

    statue of liberty
    gift from france to celebrate the friendship during revoluntary war
  • gospel of weath published

    gospel of weath published
    desrcibed the importance of philantrophy of the upper class
  • forest reserve act

    forest reserve act
    gave the president the power to set aside forest reserves
  • homestead strike

    homestead strike
    industrial strike that turned volient agaist strickers and private security
  • Pullman strike

    Pullman strike
    a wide spread strike that was put down by the federal goverment
  • carnegie sells to J.P. Morgan

    carnegie sells to J.P. Morgan
    largest industrail take over at that time in history
  • standard oil dissolved by supreme court

    standard oil dissolved by supreme court
    supreme court ordered the disbandment of standard oil because it was agaist the sherman antitrust act