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Austin liniger acts

  • navigation acts

    navigation acts
    They divided all trade to englend whitch led to smuggling and angery colonist.
  • proclamation of 1763

    proclamation of 1763
    They set the aplolation mountians as the teperary boundry. Which made colonist because thay had land claims.
  • suger act

    suger act
    Briten lowerd the suger taxes in hope they pay for it But once again The colonist got angry.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    tax on all legal documents.That made the Colonist Angry yet Again and What led to the sons of liberty.
  • Declaratory act

    Declaratory act
    Right to tax and make decions for the british colonies. That made colonist very angry
  • townshend act

    townshend act
    Thay taxed glass tea paper. Which led to dauthers of liberty and angry colonist
  • tea act

    tea act
    The sale control of tea in the colnies Bosten tea party and a boycott
  • coercive acts

    Punish people of massicutest Which led to angry colonist and the start of an uprising
  • Quebec act

    Quebec act
    Set up goverment for Quebec also alwod Qubecec area west of the apliations. as you may think that made the colonist very angry and more upriasing.