Aus history

  • captain James cook finds east coast of Aus

    Captain James Cook charts the east coast in his ship HM Endeavour. Cook claims it as a British possession and names eastern Australia "New South Wales"
  • British Navy captain Arthur Phillip founds a penal settlement at Sydney.

    British Navy captain Arthur Phillip founds a penal settlement at Sydney. He had arrived with a fleet of 11 vessels, carrying nearly 800 convicts. The Aboriginal population at the time is thought to number several hundred thousand.
  • Australia becomes the first country to introduce the secret ballot

    Australia becomes the first country to introduce the secret ballot - or 'Australian ballot' - for elections.
  • Australia and England play the first-ever cricket Test match

    Australia and England play the first-ever cricket Test match in Melbourne
  • Australia introduces new immigration laws

    Australia introduces new immigration laws, restricting the number of unskilled workers allowed into the country
  • October - John Howard wins prime minister

    October - John Howard wins fourth term as prime minister
  • Kevin Rudd sweeps to power with landslide victory over John Howard.

    Opposition Labor Party, under Kevin Rudd, sweeps to power with landslide victory over John Howard.
  • Government apologises to Indigenous

    February - Government apologises for past wrongs committed against the indigenous population
  • Julia Gillard becomes prime minister

    June - Julia Gillard becomes prime minister, ousting Kevin Rudd in a Labor Party leadership challenge.
  • Parliamentary elections fail to deliver a clear winner.

    August - Parliamentary elections fail to deliver a clear winner. Prime Minister Gillard clings to power after securing support of independents to form a minority government.