
Ernst Mach 1838 - 1916

  • Sensation

    E. Mach dived deeper into the discussion that all knowledge is derived through one's own ability to interpret sensations.
  • Confirmation Bias

    A modern term for an older thought process. E. Mach argued that no statement in natural science is admissible unless it is empirically verifiable. Verifiability is the exact counter argument to Popper's falsifiability.
  • Mach's Principle

    As this was later named by Einstein himself, who used Mach's work as a credited basis for the Theory of Relativity. Mach theorized that inertia is related to the movement of objects throughout the universe.
  • Mach Speed

    Mach Speed
    E. Mach established the relationship between the speed at which an object travels and the speed at which sound travels.
  • Citation

    Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Ernst Mach". Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 Feb. 2021, Accessed 21 February 2021.