Ap 04120607713

Attack on Pearl Harbor

  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese military attack surprised US because they explode the naval fleet of Pearl Harbor. This led to the US entry into World War II. They didn't expect that attack and that's the reason of it's successful result.
  • Hitler and Mussolini declare war on the USA

    Hitler and Mussolini declare war on the USA
    After the offensive of Japan US get angered and Hitler and Mussolini declare war on the US. This led to Germany on losing the World War II.
  • President Roosevelt ordered the taking of Japanese to concentration camps

    President Roosevelt ordered the taking of Japanese to concentration camps
    Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered to take all Japanese to concentration camps to punish Japanese people and it becomes into enormous concentration camps.It was terrible and they were thousands of murders.
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    The battle of Normandy

    The 6th of June the battle of Normandy started with the Normandy Landings. The operation was launched by hundreds of planes preceding the assault involving more than 5 thousand ships all around the Normandy coast. There were almost two hundred thousand soldiers.
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    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    In the last year of the World War II the US detonated two nuclear weapons over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Between 130 thousand and 230 thousand people dead in total in both bombings