Attack on pearl harbor

  • Why the attacks

    Why the attacks
    Before the pearl harbor attack's Japan had invaded china and Indonesia in which the United States did not approve so they demanded that Japan withdrew from the locations (which they did not) So the United States stopped selling the Japanese oil, steel, scrap iron, and aviation fuel in return.
  • Early Sightings

    Early Sightings
    There were multiple sightings of Japanese submarine periscopes on the coast of Hawaii. The united states government chalked it up to the soldiers and civilians being paranoid
  • Preparation for the attack

    Preparation for the attack
    Yamamoto Isoroku was the commander in chief of Japan’s Combined Fleet, had planned the attack against the U.S. Pacific Fleet with a lot of caution. The official order for the assault was issued on November 5, 1941, and on November 16 the task force began its rendezvous in the Kuril Islands
  • Personal and carrier numbers

    Personal and carrier numbers
    The united states had 8 battleships, 8 cruisers, 29 destroyers, 9 submarines, 50 unnamed ships,390 aircraft. 108 Fighter Planes with 59 not being able to fight and 35 army bombers and 27 of those not being able to fight with 993 Army/Navy Antiaircraft Guns Japan had a fleet of 6 Aircraft Carriers with 423 Aircraft The United states even though with all of their military power was not ready for the attack
  • Attack waves

    Attack waves
    The first wave started at 7:55 and it consisted of torpedo planes and dive bombers
    The second wave consisted of little attacks and smaller units of personal
    The third and fourth wave both consisted of dive bombers and horizontal bombers
    The fourth and last attack consisted of attack warnings and the Japanese completing the raid
  • Military leaders

    Military leaders
    Japans military leaders:
    Admiral Yamamoto
    Vice Admiral Nagumo, Americas military leaders:
    Lt. General Short
    Admiral Kimmel
  • Response

    Three days later the united states declared war on japan which lead to them entering world war 2 because by declaring war on the Japanese they also declared war on Germany and Italy.
  • Ending of the war

    Ending of the war
    After the united states entered the war they sent fresh troops into Germany while their navy fought Japan and stopped them from taking any more islands and when their military finished the war in Germany the United states could then finish their war in japan with the help of the soviet union and ultimately ended the war on September 2nd 1945