Pilgrims discovery a new land. Jamestown -
The Mayflower takes Pilgrims over to new land. They then call the new land America. -
40000 Settlers Move to Nebraska
British Raid on Liberty
Men, British
Men loose jobs, they blame British. -
Gun Smith Puts Men Through Training
Occupied by French, British, Native Americans. -
Daniel Boone
American pioneer and explorer, one of the first folk heroes of America. -
45 War Ships Invade
2 British War Ships Open Fire
New York Under Fire
Captured by British
Independence War
American Revalution
Washington Becomes President
Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty was givin to the U.S from France. It was made up of copper steel and concrete. -
Andrew Carnagi
Big steel producer. -
Thomas Burns
Crime Buster -
Otis made the first safe elevator. -
Single Biggest Real Estate Purchase
Lewis Wrote in Journal
Jefferson buys land 3 cents acre
Milk Sickness
Trappers go through Rockies
300 men go out to trap
Industrial Revolution
Andrew Jackson
The Alamo Texas -
Alamo Starts
Men and Woman move to new land
Eat First Human
Thousands Head to New Land
Doaner Party
Doaner party gets trapped for 3 months. They then decide to go cannibal. -
Find Gold Nuggets
Uncle Toms Cabin
New discoverys
Oil is disocovered you can use it for lighting. -
Jon Executed
Robert and Lee
Civil War
Lee out numbered
Civil War
Lincoln gives proclomation
Civil War strips citys resources
Railroad Done
Colt 45
seventeen dollars -
New Years- Light Bulb
On New Years of 1879 they show off the new light bulb. -
last band of sue surrender
In the 1890's criminals pretty well ran the street, breaking all kinds of laws. -
Cotton Gin
Skyscrapers became very popular in the 1900's. Men that worked on them had a very good chance to die. It was a risk job at four dollars a week, thats twice the going rate. -
Oil Drilling
Takes oil drilling two months to get 1100 feet. -
Hammel Brothers
Hammel brothers find oil. -
L.A starts to run low on water supply. They need to find a new supply of water. -
Henry Ford makes automobile. -
4040 sewers in America. -
Fabric Safety
In 1911 a fabric company caught on fire. It went up so fast that about a hundred women could not make it out. Alot of them were saved but others jumped from the window because of no other choice. -
Henry Ford makes production line. -
In 1913 there is a waterway built for L.A to get water to the city. -
In 1919 alchohol is considered bad. People are slacking at work, beating there wives. They band alchohol. -
Model T
Every twenty four seconds a model T was rolling off the assembly line. -
Man Carried a mile across Kansas Tornado
Hoover Damm
Frank Crow was givin the go ahead to build the Hoover damm. He was known for making the damms faster and stronger then anyone else. -
Tax Adation
Copone is put in jail for 11 years, guilty of tax adation. -
Hoover Damm Finished
The hoover dam was finished under the amount of time they had planned. Big profits went to the builder for finishing early. -
Dust Storms from great plains to atlantic ocean.
Louise once a performer in Vegas, caught in dust storm.
Biggest Hydro-electric plant in the world
Joe Lewis fight a german for #1 contender for heavy weight champ.
38 Million come watch. Over in 124 seconds. -
Invention on the Jeep
Fleet Towards Pearl Harbor
Flying fortress B17 Bomber -
America bomb day by day -
Operation Overlord
Atomic Bomb
Credit Card
In 1958 the credit card becomes popular. -
Invention of Washing Machine
Terrorist run two plains into the trade centers. Another into the pentagon, One more goes down in a random field. -
City of Spindles
Women in Factories
60000 Slaves escape
John Brown
March of 1000 miles trail of tears
Start Gold Mining
Steam Boats invention
Peoples Eager Life
Gettysburg Address
Lee Kills 1700 Union Soldiers
Abe Lincoln Shot
Chinese work Railroad
Towns Build up finished railroad
Shoot buffalo leather
Wild horses become popular
1 of 3 cowboys are black
Barbwire Fence becomes popular
Gold is wanted
Drive cattle a thousand miles to the railroad -
Texas Longhorn
Texas bread a new cow, the Texas Longhorn -
Mail order book
Sears creates a sales book -
Thomas Edison
Light Bulb and Carbonated Cardboard -
Shirtwaste Factory Fire -
Triangle Building
When the triangle building was first built everyone thought it was going to fall over. They also blamed it for certain wind gusts etc. -
Oil discovered in Texas. -
The model T is made rapidly. 300,000 a year. -
L.A is the fastest growing city in the world. -
Paul Tibits
Keut St
Challenger Explosion
Apple (Steve Jobs)
Passes Away. -
Bill Gates is the founder of gates. -