Atomic timeline

  • 604 BCE

    The Quran / the Prophet Muhammed

    The Quran / the Prophet  Muhammed
    • Revealed to him by God and stated in the Quran

    • This text includes the word atoms in Arabic "Zarra"
    • The Quran also revealed the weight of an atom " Mithqaal Zarra"
    the destructibility of the atom into sub-atomic particles, its combination into molecules, and most significantly the existence of positive and negative particles associated with the atom.
    • This lead to very focused research on the atom in the Arabic world
  • 600 BCE

    Idian discovery / Maharshi Kanada

    Idian discovery /  Maharshi Kanada
    • Indian philosopher/ scientist
    • He was one of the pioneers of the atomic theory
    • He was the one who originated the idea of the "Anu" (atom) that it was an indestructible practical of matter.
    • Go the idea while eating bread and he kept on breaking the bread into smaller pieces
    • He was one of the first to recognize this but only recently recognized because around the same time the discovery was made in Greece
  • The Japanese Master Mind Hantaro Nagaoka

    The Japanese Master Mind Hantaro Nagaoka
    • Japanese Physicist
    • Travelled to Europe and studied there
    • Developed the "Saturnian" system in 1904
    • Resembles the planetary system of Saturn
    • Nagaoka assumed that the atom is a large, massive, positively charged sphere, encircled by very many (in order of magnitude: hundreds) light-weight, negatively charged
    • Hia Model had multiple flaws though because according to his model the atom would be incredibly instable leading to him abandoning the idea in 1908
  • Marie Curie

    Marie Curie
    • French chemist
    • Pioneering research on radioactivity
    • First-person and only women to win the noble price twice
    • She shared her fist noble price with her husband for developing the theory of radioactivity and for successfully isolating radioactive isotopes
    • The second noble prize she won was in 1911 for the discovery of two new elements polonium and radium
    • One of the most renown scientist ever, one of the first females to show that they can also be great and in the field of science
  • Irène Joliot-Curie

    Irène Joliot-Curie
    • French chemist and physicist
    • Daughter of Marie Curie
    • Nobel prize for chemistry in 1935 for the discovery of artificial radiopacity
    • This makes the Curie family the most successful family In terms of Nobel prize wins which is 5

    • She was also part of the first three women to join the French government
    • She like her mother where a great scientist and where impact today of the political and scientific level and is still a role model for many people
  • The German Marie Curie Lise Meitner

    The German Marie Curie Lise Meitner
    • Austrian-Swedish physicist
    • Contributed to the discoveries of Protactinium and nuclear fission while studying in German
    • Discovered protactinium-231 in 1917
    • After fleeing from Nazi Germany to Sweden she and her nephew discovered nuclear fission in 1938
    • Einstein praised her as "German Marie Curie "
    • The biggest outrage in my opinion is that she did not receive a noble prize for nuclear fission but a male did and she didn’t even receive and recognition from the committee
  • Harold Delaney The unrecognized Hero

    Harold Delaney The unrecognized Hero
    • American chemist
    • hired to work on the Manhattan project as a chemist
    • One of the few Black people to work on the Manhattan project
    • He has one of the unsung heroes he had major discoveries during the Manhattan project
    • These achievements were all claimed by Caucasian coworkers and he never received the official credit for his discoveries during the Manhattan project
  • The History Maker Ralph Gardner-Chavis

    The History Maker Ralph Gardner-Chavis
    • American chemist
    • Pioneer of hard plastics
    • In this case we know he knows that he was the leading force behind the plutonium research which lead to the "Fat man" Bomb
    • He is a person that got a bit recognition but not as much he deserved seeing as he was one of the driving factors in the development of the fat man
  • The German Nucleus Maria Goeppert-Mayer

    The German Nucleus Maria Goeppert-Mayer
    • German-born scientist
    • Came up with the nuclear shell model that made us able to understand how the nucleus of atoms work
    • Discovered this in august 1946
    • Won noble prize in 1963
    • The last time a woman won the noble prize was in 1903
    • She did her research while she spent many years without being paid for her research or her work as a university professor.
    • Funding most of it herself or through her husband
    • She fought through adversity to give us a model which we still use today
  • Richard Bader

    Richard Bader
    • Canadian quantum chemist
    • Famous for his work atoms in molecules
    • This theory tries to show a physical basis for a lot of the working concepts in chemistry, such as atoms in molecules and bonding.
    • He also worked out how electron density affects the topology.
    • a famous quote from his states " there is no bonds…. Only bonding" shows again how deeply he believed in his theories
    • His theories are still accepted and renowned today and still get studied and taught around the world
  • Robert J. LeRoy

    Robert J. LeRoy
    • Canadian Chemist
    • Renown for two major achievements
    • The Leroy-Bernstein theory
    • The LeRoy Radius which means to mathematical calculate the radius of a small molecule
    • Many of his books and theory are being taught and used in schools today all around the world
    • Seeing as he himself was a teacher
    • His discoveries are still regarded as some of the best and still used and highly acknowledged
  • The Canadian pigeon Henry Taube

    The Canadian pigeon Henry Taube
    • Canadian born chemist
    • Won the noble prize in 1983 in chemistry for "his work in the mechanisms of electron-transfer reactions, especially in metal complexes."
    • He was the second canadine born to win the noble prize
    • His work taught people that the transfer of electrons in metals can happen at high speeds
    • He also revised many other scientific awards including 6 honorary degrees
    He was one of the biggest players in modern science and electron movement