Matter is made of small, indivisible particles that have different forms, positions, and arrangements. Democritus named these particles, atoms. -
Oct 25, 1214
Rodger Bacon
Taught that in order to understand the natural universe there must first be observation, allowing for evidence to come from the natural world. -
John Dalton
Developed an atomic theory stating that spherical atoms had measurable properties of mass. -
Michael Faraday
Split molecules with electricity by means of electrolysis, developed laws of electrolysis. -
J. Plucker
Built the first cathode ray tube, used for gas discharge. -
Sir William Crookes
Studied the properties of cathode rays and found that they exhibit negative charge and mass. -
Pierre Curie
While working on radioactive substances, Curie discovers gamma rays. -
Albert Einstein
Publishes theory on special relativity and states that matter can be converted into energy. -
R.A. Millikan
Millikan performed an oil drop experiment to determine the charge and the mass of an electron to be 1.602 x 10-19 C and 9.11 x 10-28 g respectively. -
Errnest Rutherford
Ernest was the first to do an artificially induced nuclear reaction. Used nitrogen and alpha particles to obtain an oxygen isotope and protons. -
Werner Heisenberg, Max Born and Erwin Schodinger
They all developed quantum mechanics. -
Werner Heisenberg
Werner created the Principle of Indeterminacy which states that you can not know the both the position and the velocity of a particular particle at any one moment in time. -
Paul Dirac
Paul suggested that anti-particles existed. He found the first anti-electron, positron. -
James Chadwick
Discovered neutral atomic particle with similar mass to a proton, the neutron by using alpha particles. -
Gathered all theories up to date and was responsible for formalizing the knowledge into one idea. Aristotle was leery that Democritus’s atoms didn’t account for the great variance of matter.