Period: 300 to
Atomic Timeline
Aristole (332 B.C)
Aristole discoverd that all substances was made up of fire, water, air, and Eath. He taught his beliefs, but soon after his death, Aristoole's view was proven wrong and his teachings are no longer present. -
Democrius (460 B.C)
Democritus discovered that objects are made up of little indestructle and invisble things called atoms. He asked a question that asked "if you break a piece of matter in half, and break in again, how many breaks will you have to make before you can break it no further?" -
Thomson (1897)
JJ thomson discovered electrons and isotopes, he invented the mass spectrometer. JJ thomson who was rewarded on his discovery of the electron. -
Rutherford (1911)
Ernest Rutherford discovered that it would prove intresting to bombord atoms with alpha rays. -
Bohr (1913)
Neils Bohr disovered on theory that said the electrons do not spiral into the nucleus and came up with some rules for what does happen. Neils Bohr stated " Here's some rules that seem impossible, but they describe the way atoms operate, so let;s pretend they're correct and use them! ". -
Heisenberg and Schrodinger
- Werner Heisenburg discovered all tropic forms of hydrogen and developed a theory of quantum physics.
- Erwin Schrodinger discovered the equation that can be used to determine the probality of an electron's loctaion at a given position.
Dalton (1803)
Jhon Dalton discovered that elements were made of the smallest particle called atoms. he also found out that all atoms for a particular element were identical, and atomic of diffrent elements could be torn apart by their atomic weight.