John Dalton
• He was born in 1766• Dalton had a theory that like terms repels each other only when they are in a gas. Whereas unlike atoms act the same. • Dalton claimed that all atoms were of different size and mass from elements. • Dalton taught chemistry for several years and he never had performed actual re search in the field. -
J.J Thomson
• In the year 1897 J.J Thompson discovered the electron.• His theory was that atoms were made of small particles. He proved this by using the cathode ray tube. An electric current was passed through a vacuum tube. A light was seen in the tube that travelled in a straight line. • He also placed one positively charged electric plate one negatively charged plate, discovering that the light bent towards the positive charges. -
Henri Becquerel
• Henri Becquerel shared a won the Nobel Prize in 1903 with Marie Pierre Curie. • Becquerel was searching for the connection between x-rays and phosphorescent when he discovered the radioactivity of uranium. • He placed a photographic, covered plate next to a phosphorescent uranium salt. It was established that magnets deflected all uranium even if it wasn’t phosphorescent. -
Erwin Schrödinger
• Schrödinger won a Nobel Prize for physics in 1933. • Schrodinger’s theory was to see how electrons behave within hydrogen atoms. • He wrote pieces on the history of science and many questions of life. -
Werner Heisenberg
• Heisenberg won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1932. • His uncertainty principle states that accurately measuring position and momentum is impossible. • He also proved that the more accurately we know the momentum the less accurately we know the position, and vice versa. -
Louis de Broglie
• He was a French quantum physicists • The wave and interpretations of light and matter were thought to be at odd with one and another. But Louis suggested that they in fact had the same behaviour. • He wanted Albert Einstein to check his theory to make sure that it was correct. -
Carl Anderson
• Anderson had a Ph.D., which was received in 1930. • He researched gamma rays and cosmic rays. • By researched these rays he saw that a number of tracks were pulled more towards the positively charged particles. These particles were too small to be protons. -
James Chadwick
• Chadwick saw that beryllium when over exposed to alpha particles that ejected protons from various substances. • He interpreted that the protons mass was approximately equal to the protons.• This was not the same for electrical charged neutrons. -
Hideki Yukawa
• At the age of 27 yukawa had a theory for nuclear forces. • He put forward a short, strong pulse between protons or neutrons, which without influencing electrons over came electrical repulsion. • It was called a nuclear ‘exchange’ force. -
Niels Bohr
• Bohr noticed that the studies of the atom were focused on the nucleolus. • Bohr intended to use cyclotron for investigations but it also doubled as a use for producing isotopes in organic processes. • He worked with two other scientist to build a cyclotron to pursue biological studies. -
Paul Dirac
• Dirac made contributions to many of the quantum involved theories. • The Dirac equation shows the behaviour of fermions. And predicted the existence of positron. • He shared a Nobel Prize in 1933 for Physics. • He is regarded by many as one of the greatest physicists of all time. -
Wolfgang Pauli
• He was born in 1900• He won the Nobel prize in 1945 for physics• Wolfgang discovered that in one atom, two electrons couldn’t occupy the same simultaneously. • He also made major contributions to quantum mechanics. -
Max Born
• Born is responsible for the reason of the reassessment of the original quantum theory. • He replaced the original thought that electrons were particles with accurate mathematical and statistical observations of electrons behaviour. • He received the Nobel Prize of physics the highest science honour, in 1954.