He did not have any proof to support his theory had to proff as well. -
He believed that everything could be broken down into smaller pieces. This led to the Atom Theory. -
Antonie Lavoisier
He found the two elements that make up water. He named one oxygen (greek for becoming sharp) because of the scid in it. -
Joseph Louis Proust
He created the law of constant competition, this says that the chemical reactions matter isn't created or destroyed. -
John Dalton
He developed the atomic theory and believed in Democritus' theory. -
Michael Faraday
His main discoveries include thoses of electrornagnetic induction, diamagnetism and electrolysis. -
JJ Thomson
Using the cathode ray tube he discovered the electron. -
Henri Becqurel
Discovered uranium produced x-ray rodiation. -
Marie and Pierre Currie
Thy discovered the two elements: polonium and radium. -
Max Planck
He found the quantom theory, the quantom theory states, "in 1900 max planck made a profound discovery in mordern physics." -
Robert Millikan
He was resonsible for finding the change of a single electron. He did this using his oil expirement. -
Ernest Rutherford
He discoverd the nuclesus. His theory was the atom has a positive nucleus with negative electrons orbiting around it. -
Niels Bohr
He created the law of constant competition, this says that the chemical reactions matter isn't created or destroyed. -
Albert Einstein
The theroy of relativity, or simply relativity in physics, usally encompasses two therories. -
James Chadwick
He proved the existence of neutrons, this affected the atom model.