Outbreak of 5th Syrian War
This happened in 202 B.C exact date not recorded -
He lived 460 B.C through 370 B.C. He was born in Ancient Greece, there i no date of discoveries. He was the first though to propose the existence of an ultimate particle and used the word "atomos" to describe this particle.
exact date not recorded -
Jan 1, 1492
Columbus discovered America
exact date unknown -
Johann Becher
He died in 1682 and he developed the Phlogiston theory in 1670. He was born in the Holy Roman Empire. -
Georg Stahl
He died in 1734 and he also helped develop the Phlogiston theory in 1670. He was born in Germany. -
Slavery is ended in Rusia
exact date unknown -
Joseph Priestley
He died in 1804 and he dicovered oxygen in 1774. Lastly he was born in Birstall, United Kingdom -
Britain and Ireland merge to make The United Kingdom
Dmitri Mendeleev
He died in 1907 and developed the first periodic table in 1869. He was born in Tobolsk,Russia. -
Ernest Rutherford
He died in 1937 and he proposed the nuclear atom as the result of the gold foil experiment in 1911. He was born in Brightwater, New Zealand. -
Francis Aston
He died in 1945 and he was the inventor of the mass spectograph and also the first to observe isotopes. He was born in Harborne, United Kingdom. -
Erwin Schrodinger
He died in 1961 and in 1926 he described how electrons move in a wave form. He was born in Vienna,Austia. -
James Chadwick
He died in 1974 and dicovered the neutron in 1932. He was born in Bollington, United Kingdom. -
First commercial film was released
exact date unknown -
Plum Pudding model developed
It is also reffered to as the chocolate chip or blueberry muffin model. It was created by J.J. Thompson (also discovered electons). Lastly it was created to show how elements are neutral.
Exact date unknown -
Werner Heienburg
He died in 1976 and he discovered a way to formulate quatum mechanics in terms of matrices. He was born in Wurzburg, Germany. -
Cuba gains independence from Spain
exact date unknown -
Rutherford-Bohr model
Model that has a positively charged nucleus surrounded by a negatively charged electrons arranged similar to the solar system.
exact date unknown -
Electron Cloud Model
This is the most modern model and describes how electrons don't have a fixed path. this was developed by Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg. -
New York Stock Market Crashes
exact date unknown -
Ireland gains independence form Britain
exact date unknown -
Chernobyl Disaster
Microsoft ruled to be a monopoly
no exact date -
George W. Bush Elected president
Rome begins exerting power over Meditterranean countries
this happened in 269 B.C
exact date not recorded