History of The Atomic Model

  • 500 BCE

    Democritus' Speculation - Fifth Century BCE

    Democritus' Speculation - Fifth Century BCE
    Democritus proprosed the existence of atoms. However, technology was quite limited at the time and the concept could not be tested.
  • 1 CE

    No Discoveries

  • 500

    No Discoveries

  • 1000

    No Discoveries

  • 1500

    No Discoveries

  • 1501-2000 - Continued

    1913 - Bohr further develops the model of the atom by using mathematical models and the laws of quantum physics
    1932 - The neutron is finally discovered by James Chadwick. Experiments using kinematics and accurate measurements lead to the discovery of an undetected subatomic particle.
  • John Dalton, Rutherford, Bohr, Chadwick

    1804 - John Dalton first develops his theory of atoms and matter. This was done through careful measurement and experiments backed up with evidence.
    1897 - JJ Thompson discovered the negatively charged electron. He figured this out by using electric charges in cathode ray tubes.
    1911- Rutherford develops the planetary model of the atom. He came to this conclusion by firing alpha particles at thin gold foil.