Atomic Theory Timeline

  • Joseph-Louis Proust came up with the law of definate proportions

  • Thomas Young explained poloarization through transverse waves

  • Heinrich Hertz was the 1st to broadcast and recieve radio waves

  • J. J. Thompson discovered the electron

  • Marie and Pierre Curie Discovered Polotonim

  • Marie and Pierre Curie discovered Radium

  • Max Planck came up with Planck's constant

  • Marie and Pierre Curie won the Nobel Prize in Physics

  • J. J. Thompson recieved a nobel prize in physics

  • Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry

  • Ernest Rutherford recieved a nobel prize in chemistry

  • Ernest Marsden came up with the nuclear charge of a-particles

  • Hans Geiger discovered the the nucleus only takes up a small portion of an atom.

  • Niels Bohr Created the Atomic Model (Bohr Model)

    Niels Bohr Created the Atomic Model (Bohr Model)
  • Max Planck recieved a nobel prize in physics

  • Ernest Rutherford discovered that nuclei could be disintergrated

  • Albert Einstein Came Up with the Theory of Relitivity

  • Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics

  • Niels Bohr Recived the Nobel Prize for Physics

  • Arthur Compton Discovered the Compton Effect

  • Louis de Broglie Developed His Theory of Electron Waves

    The notion that matter on the atomic scale might have the properties of a wave was rooted in a proposal Einstein had made 20 years before. Einstein had suggested that light of short wavelengths might under some conditions be observed to behave as if it were composed of particles.
  • Werner Heisenberg Published His Theory of Quantum Mechanics

  • Irene Joliet-Curie wrote her thesis on the alpha rays of polonium

  • Antoine Lavoisier named hydrogen, oxygen and predicted silicon

  • Erwin Schroödinger came up with the was equation

  • Arthur Compton won the Nobel Prize for Physics

  • Paul Dirac Discovered the Electron

  • Louis de Broglie won the Nobel Prize for Physics

  • Carl Anderson Discovered the Positron

    Carl Anderson Discovered the Positron
    A positron is a postitively charged electron. In 1933, he proved that positrons were emitted by gamma rays.
  • James Chadwick Discovered the Proton

  • Werner Heisenberg Recived the Nobel Prize in Physics 1932

  • Werner Heisenberg Won the Noble Prize in Physics

  • Paul Dirac Won the Nobel Prize in Physics

  • Erwin Schrodinger recieved a nobel prize in physics

  • Entico Fermi Discovered Nuclear Transformation

  • James Chadwick recived the Nobel Peace Prize

  • Irene Joliet-Curie recieved the nobel prize in chemistry

  • Carl Anderson Won the Nobel Prize in Physics

    Carl Anderson Won the Nobel Prize in Physics
    His discovery of positrons led to the development of the atomic bomb.
  • Enrico Fermi won the nobel prize

  • Lise Meitner, Otto Hahn, and Fritz Strassman discovered the uranium atom

  • Otto Frisch designed the 1st theoretical mechanism for the detonation of the atomic bomb

  • Wolfgang Pauli discovered the Neutrino

  • Wolfgang Pauli recieved a nobel prize in Physics

  • Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig developed the theory of quarks

  • Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger discovered the consiquences for the physics of elementary particles

  • Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger won the Nobel Prize