
Atomic Theory Scientists

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    In 460 BC, Democritus discovered the atom. This was a groundbreaking dicovery that permanently changed the world a science.
  • Dalton

    Dalton found the relationship between the weight of atoms and their subatomic particles. He came up with atomic weight. He also defined the relationship between elements and atoms.
  • Thompson

    Discovered electrons
  • Rutherford

    Rutherford said that in every atom there is a neucleus, and in that nucleus, there are positivly charged protons and neutraly charged neutrons.
  • Bohr

    Bohr said that electron orbit the nucleus like planets orbit the sun.
  • Heisenburg

    He came up with Uncertanty Principal. This states that there is a limit to the knowledge about two particles, x and y, position and momentum, that can be known simultinialsy.
  • Schrodinger

    Along with his discovery of "Schrodinger's Cat," when he stated that if a cat is in a box, no one can prove for sure that the cat is dead. No matter how much you gas or try to kill the cat, no on eknows if it survived or not until you open the box. This applies to elctrons and ther duo-states; there different spins.
  • Chadwick

    Chadwick discovered the neutron. By smashing helium against berrylium, he noticed that a certain radiation was emmitted. This led to his discovery.
  • Crookes

  • Einstein

  • de Brogile