Said that matter was composed of tiny particles that u can not see -
Antoine Lavoisier
Recognized hydrogen and oxygen and wrote the first list of elements -
Joseph Proust
Discovered the law of constant composition -
John Dalton
Formed a concrete version of the atomic theory and developed the law of multiple proportions -
Michael Faraday
discovered electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism and electrolysis -
J.J. Thomson
used cathode rays to discover the negativily charged electron -
Henri Becquerel
helped discover radioactivity -
Ernest Rutherford
father of nuclear physics and discovered the proton -
Marie and Pierre Curie
First to test radioactivity -
Max Planck
originated quantum theory -
Albert Einstein
He developed the general theory of relativity -
Niels Bohr
helped understand the atomic structure and quantum theory -
Robert Andrews Millikan
discovered the elementary electronic charge -
Louis De Broglie
Came up with the wave nature of electrons -
James Chadwick
Discovered the neutron -
Erwin Schrödinger
He mad the wave equation -
Otto Hahn
discovered nuclear fission -
Lise Meitner
helped discover nuclear fission -
Glenn T. Seaborg
discoved ten transuranium elements -
Disagreed with Democritus and believed the earth was made by 5 elements (Earth, water, air, fire, and aether)