dalton was born
He was born in the united kingdom. -
daltons atomic theory came out.
his theory included:
All matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms.
All atoms of a given element are alike, but are different from the atoms of any other element.
Compounds are formed when atoms of different elements combine in fixed proportions.
A chemical reaction involves a rearangement of atoms, not a change in the atoms themselves. -
when was G. J. stony born
william crookes was born
when dalton died
when thomson was born
rutherford was born
when did gj stoneys atomic theory come out
when was albert einstein born
william crokes atomic theory came out
borh was born
thomsons atomic theory was out
Electrons orbit the nuclous of the atom in an aera called the electron cloud. -
when was heisenberg born
Alberts atomic theory
there are protons, nutrons, and electrons. -
gj stoney died
rutherford came out with his atomic theory
the nuclous contains neutrons
electrons orbit the nuclous. -
Bohrs atomic theory came out
The electron traveles in circular orbits around the nuclous. energy is produced when they bounce one orbit closer to another nuclous. -
william crookes died
rutherford died
thomson died
when did albert die
when did bohr die
when did heisenberg die
when did heisenbergs atomic theory come out
it is imposible to know both the exact position and monumnet of an electron.