Antoine Lavoisier
He help develop the modern system for naming chemical substances. He also believed that matter could not be created or destroyed. This is now known as the conversation of mass. -
J. L. Proust
He came up with his law of definite proportions. This says that any compound has a specific proportion, and no matter where that compound is it always has the same proportion. For example, in any water oxygen always has a set proportion to hydrogen. That proportion will always stay the same. -
Thomas Young
He said that color and wave length are in common. He experimented with the size of molecules and surface tension and quantities of elasticity. -
John Dalton
He proposed the atomic theory saying that there were things called atoms. -
Heinrich Hertz
He discovered radio waves. -
J.J. Thomson
He discovered the electron. He said electrons had a negative charge. He also said that matter has a positive charge. He created the raisin in pudding model of the atom. This shows the electrons on top of a structure of mass that is positively charged. This model ended up later being disproved. -
Ernst Rutherford
He studied radiations emitted from uranium and thorium. He named them alpha an beta. -
Marie and Pierre Curie
They studied radio activity and discovered the radioactve elements polonium and radium. -
Albert Einstein
He said that light is made up of photons. He said that the quanta in light behaves like discrete particles. -
Max Planck
He said if atoms vibrate enough you can measure the energy only in discrete units. These ‘energy packets’ are called quanta. This helps explain hot glowing matter. -
Marie and Pierre Curie
Won nobel prize in physics. -
Albert Einstein
He created the photoelectric effect. He said that atoms can absorb and emit photons. He also made the statement E=mc^2. -
Hans Geiger
He made a device that clicked when alpha particles hit it. -
J. J. Thomas
He won the nobel prize for physics. -
Ernst Rutherford
Won the nobel prize in chemistry. -
Ernst Marsden
He formed the basis for the nuclear model of an atom He also discovered the proton. -
Ernst Rutherford
He did the gold foil experiment. Some of the atoms bounces back and some when through. He concluded that electrons existed in spaces around the nucleus and they orbited the nucleus. -
Niels Bohr
He created a set of rules that atoms had to follow. He said that electrons orbited the nucleus. He also made up a way to diagram atoms. His model is called Bohr's Atomic Model. His model was incorrect in some aspects. It did not work for bigger or heavier elements. -
Ernst Marsden
He made the connection with the nuclear charge and the atomic number. -
Ernst Rutherford
He figured that the nucleus was discrete matter that is positively charged. He later found protons. He also found that the mass of the nucleus is a lot more than the mass of an electron. His theory about how atoms are structured was flawed because eventually the electron would be very close to the nucleus. -
Ernst Rutherford
He came to the conclusion that there are neutrally charge particles in an atom. These would make up missing mass. This idea was not accepted at first, but turned out to be right. -
Albert Einstein
He won the nobel prize for physics. -
Neils Bohr
Won a nobel prize in physics. -
Arthur Compton
He did research on x-ray reflection from crystals. This lead to the discovery of increased wave length due to scattering of radiation by free electrons. It also lead to a more accurate determination of electrons in an atom. He also developed a way of measuring the wave length of x-rays. -
Wolfgang Pauli
He said that the electrons spins while they rotate around the nucleus. It could spin either 1 of two ways. He also made a rule saying that is one electron in an atom has a certain set of quantum numbers, then no other electron in that atom can have that same amount of quantum numbers. Quantum numbers are numbers that measures the electron spins. Scientists call this Pauli’s exclusion principle. -
Werner Heisenberg
He came up with the matrix mechanics theory. This explained the behaviors of atoms. He based his theory on math. -
Erwin Schrödinger
He believed in particle waves, and drew up a model based on those waves. His idea kind of looked like a vibration that traveled in circles. The psi greek letter to be the symbol of Schrödinger’s wave. -
Louis de Broglie
He made the idea that atoms could have waves as well as particles. He said that they could have dual properties. -
Arthur Compton
He won a nobel prize in physics. -
Werner Heisenberg
He made the statement that no experiment can tell the position and momentum of an electron at the same time. The more you know the position of a quantum particle, the less you know about the momentum of the quantum particle. The more you know about the momentum of a quantum particle, the less you know about the position. This is called Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. -
Paul Dirac
He made equations that had positively charged electrons. He did not accept his own idea at the time, but later Carl Anderson proved Dirac’s equations right. He also stated that he stated photons transmit an electromagnetic force. -
Louis de Broglie
He won the Noble Prize for Physics. -
Otto Frisch
He studied molecular beams. He also developed a device that could select atoms of a certain speed by passing them through rotating slotted discs. -
Carl Anderson
He discovered such things as anti-electrons. He called the anti-electron a positron. -
James Chadwick
He discovered the neutron and proved it was there. He found it to be a little bit heavier than the protons and a lot heavier than the electrons. It has no charge. He also worked with some radio active substances/problems in his career. -
Werner Heinsenberg
He won the nobel prize in physics. -
James Chadwick
He won the Nobel Prae for Physics. -
Irene Joliet-Curie
Won the nobel prize in chemistry. -
Carl Anderson
He won the Noble Prize in Physics. -
Otto Frisch
He studied how atomic angular momenta changed magnetic fields. He used the reflection of atomic beams from crystal surfaces to help discover the protons magnetic moment. He also studied nuclear fission. -
Irene Joliet-Curie
She did research on neutrons and how they effect heavy elements. She also discovered Uranium fission. She studied the synthesis of new radioactive elements. -
Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman
They were the first to discover uranium atoms split when they are bombarded by neutrons. -
Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger
They helped develop the theory for quantum electromagnetic. They helped expand nuclear physics. -
Enrico Fermi
He conducted the first controlled chain reaction that released energy from an atom's nucleus. -
Wolfgang Pauli
He won a nobel prize in physics. -
Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig
Proposed a way to classify all of the particles that were known at the time. Later they went further and made an idea of a new level of particles called quarks. They both worked on theories regarding quarks. Quarks are building bloc for atomic particles. -
Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger
Won the nobel prize in physics.