Democritus was the creator of atomic theory. -
Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier
DIscovered the law of conservation in masses. -
Joseph Louis Proust
Published the laws of definite proportions. -
John Dalton
Formulated an atomic theory and repopularized the idea of atomic theory. -
Michael Faraday
His discoveries lead to the idea that atoms had an electric component. -
Michael Faraday
Created the term of electroylisis for when a molecule splits and creates electricity. -
Joseph John Thomson
Discovered the electron. -
Robert A. Milkan
Measured the charge of an electron. -
Ernest Rutherford
He pioneered the Rutherford model of the atom and created the splitting of the atom. -
Niels Henrik David Bohr
He developed the Bohr mode4l of the atom and theorized that electrons orbit the atomic nucleus. -
Erwin Schrodinger
Improved upon the Bohr model of atomic structure. -
Louis de Broglie
Postilated the that all matter is wave properties. -
Marie & Pierre Curie
Discovered X-Rays and Uranium. -
Henri Becquerel
Discovered spontaneous radiation. -
Albert Einstien
Discovered the brownian motion of particles in liquids. -
Max Planck
Discovered the quantum thoery of energy. -
James Chadwick
Discovered evidence of neutrons in an atom. -
Otto Hahn
Discovered that if bombard the uranium atom with neutrons that it would split. -
Lisa Mienter
Conducted an experiment proving that heavier elements capture neutrons. -
Glen T. Seaborg
Discovered six transuranium elements and changed the layout of the periodict table. -
Aristotle believed that all matter was made up of four base elements. This caused atoms to be overlooked for two thosuand years until his theory was proven wrong.