Atomic Models

By jwan_h
  • 332

    Aristotle's Discovery 332 BC

    Aristotle's Discovery 332 BC
    Country : Greece
    Discovery: All things are made up of matter. Objects are made up of 5 elements Aristotle belived existed : Fire. water, earth, air and ether. My anology: Ripple effect
  • John Dalton's Discovery

    John Dalton's Discovery
    Country: Manchester
    Discovery: John Dalton belived that atoms were invisable featureless shperes, with no protons, neutrons or electrons
    My anology: Metal Sphere
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    Dmitri Mendeleev
    Country: St. Petersburg
    Discovery: Dimitri Mendeleev descovered the periodic table and his his final periodic table only had 66 elements.
  • Henri Becquerel's discovery

    Henri Becquerel's discovery
    Country: France
    Discovery: Henri Becquerel discovered that radiotion does not only come from the sun and that it can be formed with certain types of chemicals.
  • J.J Thomson's Discovery

    J.J Thomson's Discovery
    Country; United Kingdom
    Discovery: J.J Thomsons' discovery was the electrons inside the atom.
    My Anology: A chocolate chip timbit
  • Nagaoka's Discovery

    Nagaoka's Discovery
    Country: Europe
    Discovery: Nagaokas's theory was that the atom was a positive sphere with a ring of electron surounding it.
    My anology: Race cars driving in circles around a sphere.
  • Mari curie

    Mari curie
    Country: Poland
    Discovery: Marie curie studied the radiation of all compounds containig radioactive elements including uranium and thorium.
    -she also discovered that you can measure the exact strenghth of radiation from uranuim.
    -And that the amount of uranium or thorium in the compound predicts the intensity of radiation.
    - The ability to extract radiation does not depend on the way the atoms are arranged it has something to do with the atom iyself.
  • Rutherford's Discovery

    Rutherford's Discovery
    Country: Manchester
    Discovery: Ruthberen's theory discovery was that there was a nucleus in the atom and was surrounded by electrons.
    My anology: ping pong balls bouncing off walls around a person standing in the middle.
  • Niels Bohr's Discovery

    Niels Bohr's Discovery
    Country: England
    Discovery: Niels Bohr's theory was that there were a number of electrons on energy levels.
    My Analogy: Solar System
  • James Chadwich's Discovery

    James Chadwich's Discovery
    Country: Germany
    Discovery: James Chadwick discovered that there are neutrons in an atom.
    Anology: a chocolate and raisin timbit.
  • Democritus' Discovery 492 BC

    Democritus' Discovery  492 BC
    Country: Greece
    Discovery: Atoms are always in motion and between and inside the atom lies empty space.
    My anology: Metal sphere