Atomic Model Timeline

  • 500 BCE

    The Alchemists

    The Alchemists
    it is the 4 major elements being water, air, fire, earth. and also that you can change basic substances into different substances.
  • 442 BCE


    he is the Greek philosopher that made the theory of the universe. he also made the atomic theory that we still use today.
  • 350 BCE


    there are 5 regular solids. solves that all objects in the material world are all distinct.
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    he discovered that atoms have to exist because of the relationship of the pressure and the gas.
  • Lavoisier

    He was a French chemist he made the concept that an element is a simple substance that cant be broken down.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    he developed the atomic theory that modern physical science is founded- it says that the matter is composed and made of atoms and weight. and the combine in rations determined by weight.
  • Mendeleev

    he made the first periodic table arranging them in order by atomic number and weight.
  • J.J Thompson

    J.J Thompson
    he discovered the electron. he also changed the atomic model from what it used to be.
  • The Curies

    The Curies
    one of the main things they found was that atoms are radioactive.
    they also measured radium, polonium, and uranium.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    he was one of the people who helped with the atomic bomb. found that it works by splitting an atom by dropping a particle on the atoms nucleus.
  • Robert millikan

    the experiments to determine the electric charge are carried by a single electron.
  • Henry G. J Mosley

    Henry G. J Mosley
    he discovered that major properties of an element are determined by the atomic number.
  • Neils Bohr

    Neils Bohr
    he is a Nobel prize winner for physics because of his discoveries on the atomic structure.
  • Heisenberg

    he made the uncertainty principle. it is possible to the find the exact spot and momentum of an a particle.