500 BCE
the Alchemists
The theory was that all metals were made out of mercury and Sulfur and it might be possible to change base metals into gold. -
427 BCE
plato was the one that introduced the atomic theory. in which ideal geometric forms of atoms which atoms break into triangles. -
400 BCE
this theory had everything that had atoms which are physically but their not geometrically invisible. -
322 BCE
Aristotle did not beileve in the atomic theory, He thought that everything was made out of the four elements. -
Robert Boyle
in boyles law it was stated that if the volume of a gas is decreased, the pressure increases.. -
Lavoisier work was the first breakthrough in the study of chemical reactions -
john Dalton
Dalton said that al matter was composed of atoms witch are both invisible and indestructible building blocks. And different elements had atoms of differing size and mass. -
Dmitri Mendeleev
Mendeleev on the periodic law and creation of the first periodic table. -
Dmitri Mendeleev
Dmitri Mendeleev was the one who wrote the symbols for the chemical elements, putting them in order from their weight and last but not least, inventing the periodic table. -
J.J Thomson
Thomson was a English physicist who helped the knowledge of atomics with his discovery of the electron. -
the curies
The couple of Pierre curie and Marie curie discovered the radioactive elements polonium and radium. Marie called it radioactivity making rays by certain atoms. -
Albert Einstein
Einstein proved that atoms existed and due to this, helped revolutionize. all sciences with statistics and probability. -
Ernest Heisenberg
Ernest discovered that the atom is mostly a empty space. And almost all of its mass are condustes into a small nucleus -
Robert millkan
Roberts theory was that electricty was conveyed by a miniscule unit electron gained acceptance to it. and by 1910, Robert theory was success. -
Neils Bohr
Bohr made a theory for the hydrogen atom based on quantum theory. witch made the energy transferred only in certain quantities . -
Henry Moseley
Mosely had a paper witch he said there were three unkown elements between aluminum and gold (heoever they were four) -
werner Heisenberg
Werner helped the atomic theory by formulating quantum mechanics when it came to matrices and in discovering the uncertainly principle and the Electron cloud model.