plato and his discovery!
plato was an extremely smart greek philsospher. He studied mathics pythagroeans. And for the reast of his life his traveled the medteriean.He witness the Greek philosopher Socrates. -
Democritus was born and what he discovered!!!
Democritus was born in c. 460-c.370 BCE.
He discovered that the human is made up very small particles called atoms. And later he noticed that atoms make up everything on earth.Atoms formed shpes adn sizes. -
Robert Boyle disscovered
The sceptical chymist wzas made by Robert Boyle. -
Jahn Dalton
He was a English chemist, physicist, and meteorologist. He discovered what the eye has in it. How the colors are there and tissues.And if your eyes are like a redish greenish then your probably blind. -
he found out that water isd a compound. And he told people that a compound ismade uo of oxygen and hydrongen. -
JJ Thomson
He discovered the elcetron in series of expreiments, to study the nature of electric discharge. In 1906 he began to study positivilycharges of iron. -
Dimitri Mendeleev
he published the priciples of chemistry and disscovered the law of perdic law. -
Ernest Rutherford
he showed what an atom looked like by making a atom structure. He showed what the neuclus and protons were. How the electrons orbited. IN 1887 he was given a scholarship to a private school. -
Albert Eintein
As a teen he taught himself math. He wasnt a really smart child. But in 1940 he was a teacher, he taught in physics
He discovered space and matter. -
neils bohr
He discovered a theory of a hyergon atom baesd on quantum theory that is transsferred only in certain well quanites.electrons should move around the neclus. -
Henry G J Mosely
He discovered what the X-ray was. And how to use it. -
Marie Curies
was really intersested in radtions when she found them, uranim conatined more radtions.