1939: World War II begins
1945: World War II ends
2011: 9.0 magnitude earthquake strikes Japan near capital
1926: Schrödinger figures out a wave equation that explains the energy levels of atoms
1932: Chadwick discovers the neutron
776 BCE: Olympic Games begin
495-435 BCE: Empedocles publishes "On Nature"
"On Nature" states that all matter is made up of earth, air, fire, and water. -
5th century BCE and 460-370 BCE: Leucippus and Democritus form the theory that everything is made up of two things, atoms and empty space
429-347 BCE: Plato publishes "The Republic"
"The Republic" explores how a good life is lived, which type of government would be most ideal, and what constitutes a just human being. -
384-322 BCE: Aristotle classifies species into "blooded" and "non blooded" groups
These two groups are quite accurate to present day's "vertebrates" and "invertebrates" categories. -
30-33 AD: Jesus Christ is crucified
1766-1844: Dalton discovers that the ratios of compounds are fixed
1856-1940: Thomson discovers the electron
1871-1937: Rutherford discovers that atoms have positive nuclei
1900: Planck publishes his finding that a frequency resonator's energy is constant
1910: Millikan discovers that electrons have a constant negative charge
1913: Bohr creates an orbital model for an atom
1924: Louis de Broglie publishes his findings thesis "Recherches sur la Théorie des Quanta"
"Recherches sur la Théorie des Quanta" is about wave mechanics. -
1925: Heisenberg provides the basis for quantum mechanics