Democritus 460 BC-370 BC
Democritus proves that all matter is made up of atoms -
Antoine Lavoisier 1743-1794
Lavoisier came up with the Law of Conservation of Mass -
Joesph Proust 1754-1826
Proust discovers that every pure chemical compound consists of elements in proportions. -
John Dalton 1766-1844
Dalton came up with five assumptions to go along with is thoery, such as atoms being solid balls.
You cannot change or destroy atoms. -
JJ Thomson
Thomson comes up with the idea of the Plum Pudding Model. He also proved the idea of isoptopes being in a stable element. -
Robert Milikan
He found the charge of an electron with an oil-dropped appartus. -
Henri Becquerel 1852-1908
Becquerel exposed uranium-bearing crystal to sunlight -
Marie & Pierre Curie 1859-1934
They studed radioactivity and discovered polonium and rdium. -
Ernest Rutherford
His planetary model led us to learn and understand the structure of an atom. -
James Chadwick
Chadwick worked with Rutherford and discovered the proton. Chadwick discovered the atomic number of an element was less than the atomic mass. Also, discovered the nuetron did exist and it is .1 percent more than a proton.