atomic model

  • 442 BCE

    the alchemists

    Greek philosopher, who develop the atom theory.
  • 442 BCE


    a Greek philosopher that developed the atomic theory of the universe. the theory anticipated the modern principle of the conversation of energy and the irreducibility of matter
  • 427 BCE


    he made the first example of using theoretical
  • 384 BCE


    he provided us with the knowledge of natural science.
  • robert boyle

    he stressed organization of atoms and is sometimes called the father of chemistry for his extensive work on materials
  • lavoisier

    he clarified the concept of the element a simple substances that could not be broken down by any known method
  • john dalton

    he came up with the theory of matter is composed of atoms of differing weights and combined in simple ratios by weight
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    he put the elements in the order that they ae in by there atomic mass
  • henry G. J. Mosely

    he found out that if you take atomic number and add it to a Constance you would get something for the answer.
  • the curies

    his and his wife theory was that radioactive materials cause atom to brake down spontaneously, releasing radiation in the form of energy and subatomic partials.
  • jj tomas

    he was the first to discover the electron.
  • albert Einstein

    he was known as the creator of the special and general theory of relativity and for his intelligent hypothesis concerning the particle nature of light
  • robert millikan

    hes best known for his work in atomic physics and major science. dealing with the fundamental of the universe
  • ernest rutherford

    he became a noble laureate for his pioneering work in nuclear physics and for theory of the structure of the atom
  • neils bohr

    he made numerous contributions to our understanding of the atom
  • Werner Heisenberg

    he contributed to the atom theory formulating quantum mechanics in terms of matrices