Democritus Democritus was born in 460 BC and died in 370 at the age of 90.He started the revolution of the atomic theory and said that everything is made of mattter and canot be split at its smallest point. At this point in time no experiments could be cunducted due to the technology at the time and matter wasn't a proven thing only a theory. At the time no historical events besides the atomic theory had occured. -
John Dalton
John Daltons birthday isin 1766 and died in 1844. He reassured people that everything is made of matter and all atoms are indivisable and indestructable. He sparked more peoples interest into thinking about the atom and even got his own interest in atoms by facination of weather. In johns life span Dr Benjamin water house gives the 1st cowpox vaccination to his son to prevent smallpox. -
Joseph John Tomphson
In 1856 J.J Tomphson was born to soon contribute to the atomic theory.