Period: to
Atomic Diplomacy
Development of Hydrogen Bomb
President Truman orders the Atomic Energy Comission to develop the H-Bomb. -
Code Name "Mike"
America explodes first thermonuclear device at Eniwetok Atoll. -
First Hydrogen Bomb
US dentonated the first hydrogen bomb in the Marshall Islands and discovered that it was 500 times more powerful than the bomb set off at Nagasaki. -
Nuclear Energy Cooperation
Eisenhower proposes an idea of worldwide cooperation regarding peaceful application of nuclear energy use. -
"Bravo" Test
The United States detonated a 17 megaton hydrogen bomb at Bikini Atoll. This bomb contaiminated a Japenese fishing boat, along with residents in several nearby cities. -
Atomic Energy Act of 1954
This was a United States federal law that promoted peaceful uses of nuclear energy and worked alonside Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace Program. It allowed the Atomic Energy Comssion to grant licenses to private companies to use nuclear materials or build nuclear power plants. -
Russell-Einstein Manifesto
Many leading scientists issued a manifesto warning of the dangers of a nuclear war possibley occuring in the future. They begged the governemnts to try and resolve disputes peacefully rather than resorting to atomic weapons to solve problems. -
United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency
The United Nations formed this agency to inspect nuclear reactors and plants. They wanted to assure the peple that these businesses were being run only for peaceful purposes. -
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
The UK promoted disarmament of all nuclear weapons around the world. This became very symbolic amongst countries later on in time. -
Revision of the Atomic Energy Act
Eisenhower revisted this act to open up an agreement between Britain and America on nuclear weapon desgin information.