Period: to
Atomic bomb
Germany invades the Soviet Union
Germany invades the Soviet Union. This invasiion was unsuccessful due to the harsh weather conditions. Germany was forced to turn around. This angered Hitler greatly. -
Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor
Japanese think that if they bomb Pearl Harbor which was a major naval base. That it would cripple America's navy causing us to not enter the war. This plan back fired because this was the reason we got into the war. -
Germany and Italy decllare war on America
After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Germany and Italy realized that America was goona enter the war. They declared war on us because of this. -
Roosevelt approved the production of the atomic bomb
On November 27 head of the office of scientific research and development Bush presented the atomic bomb to Roosevelt. He didn't respond until January 19, 1942. -
Roosevelt approves detailed plans for building atomic weapons
Roosevelt invested 2 billion dollars into facilites and productioin of atomic weapons. -
bomb design work begins
Bomb design work begins at Los Alamos. -
Italy surrenders to Allied Forces
Allied Forces went into nothern Africa a while back. They managed to drive their way up Italy causing them to surrender. -
Atomic bombs tested
Atomic bombs are tested in Los Alamos. -
bombed dropped on Hiroshima
bombing of Nagasaki