Atom Theory

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    Who Discovered The Atom

    The discoverer of the atom was a man by the name of Democritus. He stated that all matter was made up of atoms. And that atoms are eternal and invisible. They also cant be divided.
  • The Formula For Conservation Of Matter

    In 1777, a man named Lavoisier, of France, provided that formula for conservation of matter. This formula told how to distinguish an element from a compound.
  • The Coulomb's Law

    In 1780's, a man named Couloumb formulated the Coulomb's law. This law states that force between two electrical charges is proportional to the poduct of the charges. In other words, Force is is equaled to the product of two charged atoms.
  • The Atomic Theory

    A man from England, named John Dalton formed the atomic theory. This Theroy states that all matter is composed of tiny, unbreakable particles. These atoms were known as ATOMS.
  • Crooke's Tube

    In 1870, a man named Crookes invented a tube that produced cathode rays. This Demonstrated that cathode rays travel in straight lines. This proved that they produce phosphorescence. And when they strike certain materials they produce heat.
  • X-rays?

    In 1895, a man in Germany named W.K. Roentgen. dicovered how to use cathode-ray tubes to make X-ray
  • Its Radioactive!

    In 1896, Becquerel dicovered that some materials in the world such as, uranium and plutioum where highly radiactive. He discaovered this when researching elements.
  • Electro-what?

    In England, J.J Thomson discovered the electron. Using this information he developed the plum-pudding model. This model showed what the atom looked like.
  • Another New Thoery

    Max Planck in Germany of 1900, discovered the quantum theory.
  • E=mc2 (squared)

    E=mc squared; ring a bell Albert Einstein discover that light is made up of different particles. That demonstrated Wavelike behavior. In addtion to this, he developed the Theory of Relativity.
  • The Electron...

    In the USA, man named Robert Millikan, dicaovered that an electron has an electric charge.
  • Struck Gold!

    Ernest Rutherford used his results from his gold-foil experiment to prove that all mass of an atom were actually positively charged balls, in the middle if an atom.
  • Particle Detector

    Geiger of Germany, invented the first detector for alpha particles and radiations.
  • A New Equation.

    Erwin Shroedinger, came up with a wave equation. He called it the Shroedinger Equation. This equation describes the form of the probability waves.
  • The Neutron.

    Chadwick discovered the neutrally charged particle. It was named the Neutron
  • Nuclear Fission

    In Germany, a man named Otto hahn, discovered that by spliting the nucleus of an atom in to two nuclei it causes a Nuclear Fission
  • USA!

    Glen T. Seaborg of USA, identified some elements that are heavier than uranium

    Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig, brought forth an amazing discovery. They found little particles called Quarks. They said that they were little bits of matter. These little bits of matter were like building blocks for complex chemical substances.