Oct 2, 1000
460bc-370bc first proposed the atom theory but left many questions -
Oct 2, 1002
he classified animals in 335 bc -
James Hargreaves
the spinning jenny -
James Watt
first truly reliable steam engine -
Antoine Lavoisier
recogized and named oxygen -
Edmund Cartwright
invented the power loom -
Eli Whitney
the cotton gin -
Joseph Proust
discovered the law of constant composition -
John Dalton
he proposed his Atomic theory -
Amedeo Avogadro
hypothesized that equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules -
Samuel Morse
created the telegraph -
Elias Howe
the sewing machine -
Jean Lenoir
the internal combustion engine -
Alexander Graham Bell
the telephone -
Thomas Edison
created the phonograph -
JJ Thompsen
The idea that electricity was transmitted by a charged smallest unit related to the atom was put forward -
Madame Curie
found how to make x rays -
Henri Becquerel
was the discoverer of radioactivity -
William Crookes
found the element thallium and invented the radiometer -
Robert millikan
performed an experiment that measured the charge on a single electron -
Henry Moseley
he found the atomic number of atoms which helped put together periodic table -
Max Plank
discovered the quantom theory -
Albert Einstein
found E=Mc squared i -
Niels Bohr
explained what happens inside an atom -
Erwin Schrodinger
made a mathematical model for the distribution of electrons in an atom -
Werner Heisenberg
proposed uncertainty relation -
Louis de Brogile
discovered wave nature of electrons -
Ernest rutheford
He discovered alpha and beta rays -
James Dewar
Invention of twinkie -
James Chadwick
discovered the neutron