
Atmoic Theory

  • 400

    Democritus' Theory

    Democritus' Theory
    A Greek Philipsher in the time period of 400BC by the name of Democritus, conlcude a theory. This theory was that all matter is made of of extremely small particals called Atoms and that they were always moving and you could not earse them exisitance.
  • Period: 400 to Oct 6, 1000


    Before Christ.
  • Period: Oct 7, 1000 to


    After Christ Death.
  • The Finding of Joseph Prust

    The Finding of Joseph Prust
    A French chemist by the name of Joseph Proust, discorverd that every chemical compund had elements in it with a certain proportion. Which he called "Law of constant proportions."
  • John Dalton's Law

    John Dalton's Law
    During his research in the atom, John Dalton, created, "the law of partical pressures". Which means that the presure of compound gases is equal to the pressure of the element's gas.
  • J.J. Thomson's Protons and Electrons

    J.J. Thomson, conducted an experiment which used cathod rays and shot alpha atmos at it. What he noticed was that the some atmos were bouncing off of the other atoms, which proved his theory that there are postivly charged particals and negityl charged particals inside an atom which repel each other.
  • Henri Becquerel and Radioacticity

    Henri Becquerel and Radioacticity
    A Scientist by the name of Henri Becquerel, discovered that light crystals abosorved polarized light by the use of phosphorescence. In his experiment he put slt near a photographic plate with opaque paper. He used the property of the Uranium atom which created rays that were repeled by a magnetic feild therefore creating radioactivity.
  • Ernest Rutherford's Discorvery

    Ernest Rutherford's Discorvery
    in 1911, Ernest Rutherford, created a nucler model of an atom. He dessovered that some atoms have a negitive charge than come from the outer space of the atom. He used theories from Neil Bohr to creat his Model of the atom. Ernest Rutherford, is credit for finding the nuclus of the atom.
  • Bohr's Structure

    Bohr's Structure
    Neils Bohr, concluded that there were eletrons orbiting a nuetron. He also discored that there are levels of eltrons. And these levels go in order. Least amount of engry in the inner ring and most amount of engery in the outer ring. These elretons also have to share or change places to swap engery levels. Also he called them the Electron cloud.
  • Werner Heisenberg's Quantum Mechanics

    Werner Heisenberg's  Quantum Mechanics
    Werner Heisenberg Created Quantum Mechincs and earned the nobel peace prize. Thi feild of phyics is a huge push in the atmoic thery because it is a gateway to learning about the atom and the sxmall particals in it. He also conduced many experments dealing with sub atomic particals.
  • James Chadwick's Neutron

    James Chadwick's  Neutron
    In 1932 James Chadwick Discovered that there was a hidden partical inside Rutherford's Neutron. He discovered that not only was there the postivly charghed protron, and the neiglty charged nuetron but also the nuretal chatge Nuetron. He stated the the importance of the nuetron is because with out them they would be even smaller than they all ready are.
  • Otto Hahn, The Fisson of a Atom.

    Otto Hahn, The Fisson of a Atom.
    A german scietist by the name of Otto Hahn, was an understudy of the great Rutherford. He was with h9m when many of Rutherfords exepements were done. in 1938 Otto had he most important discory, when he was working with Strassman, they disocred you could split atoms through the use of fisson. by using Uranium and thorium.
  • Heavy Elemtns

    Heavy Elemtns
    Glen Seaborg, discoverted that there were heavier elements than Urianum. Which were, Plutonium, Americium, Curium, Berkelium, Califoriun, Einsteinium, Fermium, Merndelevium, Nobeelium, Lawermcium, Rutherfordium, Seaborgium (which he named after him self) and also Bohriun. Many of these elemtns were named after scietest that helped in the feild of the Atomic Theory.
  • Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig

    Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig
    Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig, two Scientist of the usinted states, conlcuded the idea that Atom particals had particals iside of the them called Quarts. These Quarts were the bricks of the atoms, and there were hundreds of kinds of them and they all have different personiaitys to make up an atom. They are soppised to be the smallest single partical ever.