Csc 0432

Atlantica's Timeline

  • Atlantica was discovered!

    Atlantica was discovered by two families.
  • Atlantica was given a name

    The two famlies decided on the name Atlantica.
  • Atlantica has found a religion

    Atlantica has found a religion
    The religion is called Atlantico religion
  • Atlantica and Charltonia became allies.

    Atlantica and Charltonia became allies.
    Atlantica and Charltonia became allies.
  • Alicia and Bianca found the cure to cancer

    They found a fruit called CANCER-NO! which cures cancer the time of the experiment was 1 year.
  • Atlantica found the cure to Braindead.

    The fruit is called BRAINDEAD-NO!
  • Atlantica got 5500 people

    Atlantica got 5500 people
    5500 people imigrated to Atlantica.
  • Atlantica celebrates the NEW YEAR!!

    Atlantica celebrates the NEW YEAR!!
    Atlantica celebrates the NEW YEAR!! p.s: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!