Atlantic World and the Discovery of the New World Timeline

  • Oct 10, 1492

    Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue

    Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue
    In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Columbus had set off to sail to India, but instead he hit the New World. He claimed he discovered the New World, but many explorers have landed there before.
  • Oct 10, 1511

    First enslaved Africans arrive in the Americas

    First enslaved Africans arrive in the Americas
    The Europeans began to import slaves from Africa to the New World to work for land lords and do work for them. They were traded and earned by the Europeans through the Triangular Trade system.
  • Oct 10, 1521

    Cortés conquers Aztec Empire

    Cortés conquers Aztec Empire
    Cortes and his crew find Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital, in search for gold. Montezuma II, the emporer of the Aztecs, gives Cortes a bunch of gold, Cortes is not satified. After being forced out, Cortes comes back a year or so later and conquers the Aztec Empire, with superior weaponry, diseases, and the help of some natives who hate their leaders
  • Oct 10, 1533

    Pizarro conquers Incan Empire

    Pizarro conquers Incan Empire
    Francisco Pizarro and about 200 men come across the Incan city of Cajamarca. Pizarro and his men attack the Incans. Pizzaro captured Atahualpa, the Incan emporer. Atahualpa offers one room of gold and two of silver for his release. The Spanish take the bail, but kill Atahualpa anyway.
  • English found Jamestown

    English found Jamestown
    The English feel the need to explore becasue many other countries are. After the mysterious desappearence of Roanoke, King James demands a journey to find another colony in North America. The settlers land on the Virginia coast, and start the first permanent English colony in North Ameria.
  • English found Plymouth

    English found Plymouth
    The Pilgrms with the goal of religious freedom escape England and head for Jamestown. A storm blows their ship off course and they land in Massachusetts, near Plymouth Rock. They set up an English settlement called Plymouth.
  • French and Indian War Ends

    French and Indian War Ends
    After establishing the 13 colonies, the British want to conquer more western lands. France owns most of the land in the west, and tension grows between the two countries. Soon after the two countries conflict with eachother starting the French and Indian War. The British win and take control of most of the eastern half of America.