Atlantic World and the Discovery of the New World

  • Oct 7, 1492

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue
    Columbus was the first European to find America. His intentions were to find Japan but he landed in San Salvador.
  • Oct 7, 1511

    First Enslaved Africans arrive in Americas

    First Enslaved Africans arrive in Americas
    Europeans enslaved Africans to use them for labor, when they found that using Native Americans wasn't as efficient. The slaves were packed on ships which went from Africa to the Americas.
  • Oct 7, 1521

    Cortes conquers Aztec Empire

    Cortes conquers Aztec Empire
    Hernan Cortes took the Aztec emperor hostage and seized the city of Mexico.
  • Oct 7, 1533

    Pizarro conquers Incan Empire

    Pizarro conquers Incan Empire
    Pizarro conquered the Incan Empire by taking the emperor, Atahualpa, hostage. Atahualpa tried to bargain his way to freedom with no avail.
  • English found Jamestown

    English found Jamestown
    Jamestown was the first permanent settlement by the British. Within a year, 70% of the people died because they were so intent on finding gold, that they forgot to harvest farms.
  • English found Plymouth

    English found Plymouth
    The pilgrims were persecuted from England, and sought refuge in the Americas. They attempted to go to Jamestown, but ended up in Plymouth.
  • French and Indian War ends

    French and Indian War ends
    In the French and Indian War, the French + Indians fight against the English + Indians. France loses the war.