Aug 3, 1492
Columbus sailed the ocean blue
In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed west instead of east across the Atlantic in search of an alternate trade route to Asia and it's riches. He never reached Asia but he landed on San Salvador. Columbus named the people who greeted him Los indios because he thought he reached the East Indies. -
Jan 1, 1511
First enslaved Africans arrive in the Americas
In 1511, the first African's slaves arrived in the Americas. The Africans did cheap labor and built up immunity to Spanish diseases. Africans were auctioned off to the highest bidder. After being sold, slaves would work mines or fields or as domestic servants. In much of the Americas, slavery was a lifelong condition, as well as a hereditary one. Also slaves skin color made it easier to catch them if they tried to escape. By 1600, nearly 300,000 were transported to America. -
Aug 13, 1521
Cortes conquers Aztec Empire
Cortez and his roughly 600 men reached the Aztec capital of Technochtitlan. The Aztec emperor, Montezuma, was convinced that Cortez was the Sun God. He gave the Spanish explorer a share of his existing gold supply. In 1520, some of Cortez's men killed some Aztec warriors and chiefs. Later in June, the Aztecs rebbelled against Spanish intruders. The Spanish struck back and conquered the Aztecs in 1521 due to superior weaponry and weak Aztec arrows. -
Nov 1, 1533
Pizarro conquers Incan Empire
Pizarro and his army of about 200 met the Incan ruler, Atahualpa, near the city of Cajamarca. The Spaniards waited in ambush, crushed the Incan force, and kidnapped Atahualpa. For his realease, Atahualpa offered to fill a room of gold and twice with silver. After receiving the ransom, the Spanish killed the Incan king. The remaining Ican force retreated from Cajamarca. Pizzaro then captured the Incan capital, Cuzco without a struggle. -
English found Jamestown
The explorations of the Spanish and French inspired the English. In 1606, a company of London investors recieved from King James a charter to found a colony in North America. In late 1606, the company the companies 3 ships, and more than 100 settler's, pushed out of an English harbor. 4 months later, they recahed the coast of Virginia. The colonists claimed the land as theirs and named it Jamestown after their king. -
English Found Plymouth
In 1620, a group known as the Pilgrims founded a second English colony, Plymouth, in Massachusetts. Persecuted from their beliefs in England, these colonists wanted to find freedom. -
French and Indian war ends
English pushed farther west into America and collided with France's holdings. As France and England expanded they began to interfer and fight with eachother. In 1754, a war for lands began between the French and British, known as the French and Indian war. The British colonists with help of the British army defeated the Frecnh in 1763. The Frecnh surrendered their North America holdings. As a result of the wae, the British seized control of the eastern half of North America