Jan 1, 1492
Columbus sailed the ocean blue
In 1492, Columbus's three ships, The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria sailed out of a Spanish port in search of an alternate trade route to Asia and its riches. -
Jan 1, 1511
First Enslaved Africans Arrive in the Americas
In 1511, the first enslaved Africans arrived in the Americas. Europeans saw many advantages using the Africans as slaves. The Africans built up immunity to the Europeans diseases, which made them less likely to die of illnesses. They also had experience in farming and could be taught plantation work. Africans were less likely to escape due to them being on unkown territories. Finally, their skin color made it easier for the Europeans to catch them if they attempted to escape. -
Jan 1, 1521
Cortes conquers Atzec Empire
Many factors contributed to Cortes's stunning victory of the Aztec Empire. The Spanish had the advantage of more advanced weapons including muskets and cannons. They were also able to recrute natives that resented the harsh practices of the Aztecs. Native Americans had never been exposed to the diseases the Spaniards brought. This led to the death of tons of Native Americas. -
Jan 1, 1533
Pizarro conquers Incan Empire
Pizarro captured he Incan ruler, Atahualpa, by ambusing the Incan force and taking him hostage during a meeting. The Spanish strangled the Incan King and conquered the Incan Empire easily due to the baffled Incan people contemplating the loss of their ruler. -
English Found Jamestown
In 1607, the English colonist reached the coast of Virgina. The colonist claimed the land theirs and named the settelment Jamestown, in honor of their king. -
English Found Plymouth
Persecuted for their religious beliefs in Enlgand, colonist sought religious freedom and sailed from England to Plymouth, in Massachussets. They founded the second English colony. -
French and Indian War Ends
The English wanted more land for their colonial population. By pushing further west into the continent, the English collided with France's North American holdings. Their colonies began to expand causing France and England to interfere with eachother. In 1754, a dispute over land in the Ohio Valley led to a war. With the help of the British Army, the British colonist defeated the French in 1763.