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Atlantic World and Discovery of the New World

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus sets sail to find route to India

    Columbus sets sail to find route to India
    The Italian in the service of Spain, Christopher Columbus, set sail on August 3, 1492 in search of a way of getting to India, without running into the other countries following the old route. This way Spain would have access to the spices and riches they so desperately wanted. But instead, he ended up finding the New World, or America.
  • Jan 1, 1511

    African slaves arrive in the Americas

    African slaves arrive in the Americas
    The first African slaves arrived in the Americas in 1511. These were the beginning of the horrible African Slave Trade which lasted for a while, killing cultures both metaphorically and physically with the introduction of guns to Africa. These Africans were captured and enslaved to do work for the settlers in the Americas.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Cortés conquers the Aztec Empire

    Cortés conquers the Aztec Empire
    Hernando Cortés sought out riches when he left for the New World. When he landed in Tenochtitlán he met Montezuma, the Aztec emperor. Cortés then demanded gold and was given it, but still wasn't satisfied. After them having killed some Aztecs, the Aztecs revolted under the conquistador rule, but Cortés fought back and won with the help of disease, weaponry, and other native groups. This allowed the land to be able to be used for crops and gave the Spanish valuable land in South America.
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Pizarro conquers the Incan Empire

    Pizarro conquers the Incan Empire
    Francisco Pizarro, a Spanish conquistador, landed near Cajamarca and soon found the Incan king, Atahualpa. The Spanish strategically attacked while the Incans were unarmed, soon taking their king captive. Pizarro then demanded a room of gold and two of silver, and even when he received it, Pizarro killed Atahualpa anyway. Then Pizarro marched to the capital, Cuzco. After the things that took place in Cajamarca, the Incans didn't put up as much of a fight in Cuzco and the Spanish took over.
  • The English found Jamestown

    The English found Jamestown
    On the coast of Virginia, a company of London claimed the land for England. They then named this settlement Jamestown, after their king King James. The colony's start was harsh and barely made it, seven out of every ten people dying. But, things got better and it became known as England's first permanent settlement.
  • The English found Plymouth

    The English found Plymouth
    After Jamestown was settled, England founded its second English colony named Plymouth. This place was created as a safe haven for those who suffered because of their different religious beliefs. Here there was a greater freedom of religion than in England and it attracted people known as Pilgrims.
  • The French and Indian War ends

    The French and Indian War ends
    England battled France as well as the Indians in the French and Indian War. In 1763, Britain defeated the French, and also the Indians. Having won this war, England gained all of France's North American land and expanded its country's land. Mainly, England gained the eastern half of North America, which France had been controlling parts of.