200px americas (orthographic projection)

Atlantic & New World

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christofer Columbus Sailed to The New World

    Christofer Columbus Sailed to The New World
    This is the year when Columbus made his first trans-atlantic voyage to the neworld and landed somewhere in the bahamas. He named the place of his arrival San Salvador.
  • Jan 1, 1511

    First African Slaves Arrive in the Americas

    First African Slaves Arrive in the Americas
    This was the year when the first ships of the African Slaves arrived in the New World to work on agrigultural platations, houseworkers, and occasionally sailors.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Cortez Conquers the Aztec Empire

    Cortez Conquers the Aztec Empire
    Cortez arrive on the gulf of mexico around 200 miles around from the Aztec captial tenochtitlan and was invited to stay in a palace by Montezuma. Late Cortez kidnapped montezuma and tensions rose to the point of a uprising. The spanish won the uprising.
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Pizzaro Conquers the Incan Empire

    Pizzaro Conquers the Incan Empire
    When he met with Attualpa he was seen as a god. He wanted lots of gold. Atuapla gave him gold but Pizarro wanted more so he demanded it and atualpa refused and tried to send the rest of his army to charge but they were all waiting behind. Since there was no texting at the time Pizarro killed all the running messengers who tried to spread word. Atualpa begged for mercy and offered a room filled with gold and another with silver. He accepted then killed atualpa
  • English Found Jamestown

    English Found Jamestown
    This was the English's first sucessful colony after the others failed. Though Jamestown barley made it there was hunger, cold, sickness. These settlers later moved more inland where they thrived. Jamestown is also regnoized for its unique triangular walls.
  • English Found Plymouth

    English Found Plymouth
    The colinists who founded jamestown came for exploration purposes. Though not many people wanted to explore. But there were people who wanted religous freedom. These were the pilgrims who took the mayflower and landed at Plymouth Rock and started a colony.
  • French & Indian War Ends

    French & Indian War Ends
    This was the war fought between the indians and the english colinists against france. As the french suck at everything the inians and english won.