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Atlantic and the New World-Adam Rich

By arich1
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus discovers the Caribbean

    Columbus discovers the Caribbean
    In !492, A portugeese man in the service of Spain named Christopher Columbus discovered a "new world." Columbus named that land San Salvador, which means holy savior.
  • Jan 1, 1511

    First Enslaved Africans reach the Americas

    First Enslaved Africans reach the Americas
    In 1511 the first African Slaves were brought to the Americas. The Colonists needed men to do cheap labor for the them. They felt the Africans were perfect because they had built up immunity to Spanish diseases, and knew how to farm.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Cortes conquers the Aztecs

    Cortes conquers the Aztecs
    When Cortes and his crew first landed in current day Mexico, they were looking for gold. While searching, they came upon the Aztecs, who welcomed that Spaniards and thought Cortes was a god. Since they though he was a god, they gave him their gold. In 1521, the Aztecs fought the Spanish, but Spain's supierior weaponry and the diseases they brought over were too much for the Aztecs.
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Pizzaro conquers the Incas

    Pizzaro conquers the Incas
    Pizzaro and his army of 200 men defeated Atahualpa and his army of 30,000 unarmed men. The Spanish surprised the Incas and captured Athualpa. Atahualpa offered Pizzaro a room of gold and two of silver for his release. Pizzaro took this offer and then killed Atahualpa.
  • English found Jamestown

    English found Jamestown
    King James gave a company of London investors a charter to found a North American colony. In 1607, the colonists reached Virginia and named the settlement Jamestown after King James.
  • Pilgrims found Plymouth

    Pilgrims found Plymouth
    In 1620, the Pilgrims went to America seeking religious freedom. Later that year, their ships reached the shores of Massachusetts and they named their colony Plymouth.
  • French Indian War Ends

    French Indian War Ends
    In 1754, a war broke out called the French-Indian War. In the French-Indian War, the British fought agaisnt the French and the Indians. The British won the war establishing dominance in colonizing North America.