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  • 335

    Aristotle founds the Lyceum

  • Period: 335 to 499


  • 338

    Battle of Chaeronea; Alexander visits Athens; Lykourgos begins major infrastructure construction programme

  • 351

    Demosthenes begins his campaign against Philip II of Macedon

  • 354

    Xenophon dies

  • 386

    Plato founds the Academy

  • 386

    Aristophanes dies

  • 387

    Second Athenian League established

  • 394

    Battle of Knidos, Konon rebuilds walls of Athens

  • 395

    Rebuilding of the Long Walls

  • 399

    Death of Socrates

  • 403

    Restoration of democracy

  • 404

    Surrender of Athens, destruction of the Long Walls, rule of the Thirty Tyrants

  • 411

    The “Four Hundred” seize power; Women at the Thesmophoria produced

  • 412

    Mass revolt of Athenian “allies”

  • 415

    Sicilian expedition launched

  • 421

    Peace of Nikias; Erekhtheion begun

  • 427

    Construction of Temple of Athena Nike begins

  • 429

    Death of Pericles

  • 430

    Annual invasions of Attica begin; visitation of the plague; Xenophon born

  • 431

    The Archidamian War, the first part of the Great Peloponnesian War begins

  • 435

    Construction of Erechtheion begins

  • 437

    onstruction of Propylaea begins

  • 438

    Pheideias’ Statue of Athena dedicated

  • 446

    Aristophanes born

  • 460

    Pericles leads Athens into its ‘Golden Age’

  • 461

    Peloponnesian Wars

  • 461

    Persian Wars

  • 499

    Ionian Revolt